Once you have set up an account, you can select areas of interest so we can...
(1) contact you when volunteer opportunities are available,
(2) audition for plays,
(3) keep in touch with cast members and view the production schedule.
If you've never volunteered at LCP, or are a returning volunteer who needs to set up a Volunteer Account, simply click on VOLUNTEER ACCOUNT and create one.
1. Read all instructions first.
2. Go to the history section.
3. Do a FIND by either cast member or crew member, entering your last name.
4. If your name appears, you have an account already established. Contact Morrie Enders at 489-PLAY to verify your password.
5. If you do not find yourself listed, we have not yet created a Volunteer Account for you. So set up your own account.
6. The first thing you need to do when you creat your Volunteer Account is enter current information. Also, change your USERNAME and PASSWORD!
The heart of LCP is volunteers! We welcome your interest. We welcome your time and talents. We always have a long list of things that need to be done. And we always will!
Please take a look at VOLUNTEER POSITIONS available at LCP. For more information contact: Morrie Enders at 489-PLAY.