The Lincoln Community Playhouse flourishes because of its many special friends who believe in and value the role of theatre in the life of our community. Their support and encouragement keep LCP firmly grounded in its mission to offer theatre that is entertaining and affordable to a multi-faceted audience.
Lincoln Community Playhouse Guild
During the summer and fall of 1967, 36 hardy souls banded together to form the Lincoln Community Playhouse Guild for the following purposes:
1.To promote community interest and participation in the activities of the Lincoln Community Playhouse.
2.To assist the Lincoln Community Playhouse in those activities and to sponsor such projects for the benefit of the Playhouse as the Guild may from time to time determine.
3.To further the interest of the members in theater and drama.
The Guild provides financial sponsorship for one production each season. The Guild also provides strike suppers for the cast and crew on the closing night of each performance during the season.
Fund-raising projects include the Annual Brunch & Style Show, complete with Silent Auction, Raffle, and Door Prizes. This has proven to be a community favorite year after year. And, interestingly enough, producing this event has promoted bonding and new friendships among the members.
In alternate years, there is a London Theatre Tour, ably hosted by our own Mary and Vince Goeres. This popular travel adventure always fills up early.
The Guild’s Curtain Call newsletter is published three or four times a year to keep all members informed of current happenings.
Meetings are held four or five times a year, featuring programs that are performance-related, as well as being entertaining and educational.
Membership is open to everyone interested in the ongoing health and success of the Lincoln Community Playhouse. Our dues are: Basic Membership $20 and Sustaining Membership $40.
If you are interested in joining the Lincoln Community Playhouse Guild, please contact Diana Warner, 720 Hazelwood Drive, Lincoln, NE 68510.